Family History

Do you have members of your family that have memories that you want saved for posterity? Record an audio or video family history! Make it a part of a your next family reunion. Call us to find out how we can make your next family event last for generations.

Suburban Maryland Home Show

I checked out the Suburban Maryland Home Show at the Howard County Fairgrounds on Sunday and left pretty disappointed. So here are some of my observations on how the experience could have been better.


I know that it is in the best interest of the show promoters to get as many businesses in to the space as possible, but this show sacrificed walkability to cram in more tables. I constantly felt rushed by the people behind me. The aisles were too narrow to easily pass others.

And speaking of having too many tables, there were far too many overlapping businesses. Towards the end of the line, I overheard two groups tell a gutter shield vendor that they had seen it in action at the previous booths. If I were that business’s owner, I would have demanded my money back.


The person at your booth is the face of your product, and if they do not seem interested in it, how do you think I’ll feel as the customer? It may be cheaper to have your daughter man the booth for you, but if she’s playing on her phone the whole time, she is hurting you more than helping.

Video Video Video!!!!

There were only 3 businesses using video, and only 1 of them had it playing on a screen inside of their product. Video does not replace a flesh and bones sales person, but it does draw in the audience for them to sell to. I saw countless video screens and laptops showing lifeless slideshows (Many of them of very poor quality).

On a lighter note…

I did pass by a polish sausage vendor with a sign labeled “Ethnic Sausages”… As a person of Polish heritage, I was deeply disturbed by this. Our sausage is all we have!!! Don’t take that away from us!!!