With a MyHomesMedia High Definition hosted home tour you become the expert! You give a tour of the house the way you would if you could be there to meet and greet every person that walks through the door.
AmericasDemocrats.org Netcast – Episode 13
AmericasDemocrats.org Netcast – Episode 12
Happy Easter from MyHomesMedia
Our intrepid reporter Haley Lynch traveled to Easter Island to get the first glimpse of the Easter Bunny setting out to bring candy to all of the good boys and girls.
Hey Joe, Whaddaya know?
MyHomesMedia welcomes Joseph “Jo-Jo” Lasick to the team! Jo-Jo’s time as the owner of Lasick’s Beef and Seafood gives him a unique perspective on what businesses want from their marketing. If he doesn’t think the project will pay for itself, he won’t sell it to you.
Jo-Jo has been a body recovery diver for Caroline County Virginia and Nassau County Florida, where it occurred to him that “what makes you be you is gone when you die, so don’t waste your time or anyone else’s.”
Jo-Jo also ran a successful salvage diving business when he got the call to come back to Maryland to help run the 67 year old family business. Jo-Jo brought in bands, networking groups, car shows, and catered huge marketing events to the tune of 2-3,000 people at a time.
For cheerful answers to your marketing questions, call Jo-Jo at (240) 508-4404.