Link From the site description Easily draw on maps and then share them with friends, completely for Free! Simple enough to be used by children, but powerful enough to be used by GIS professionals – Scribble Maps is the easiest
Half of U.S. shoppers rely on phones for in-store research
Source: GigaOM From the article Nearly one in five mobile shoppers bought online during the holidays after viewing products in stores, a Pew report says. Even larger percentages of consumers used their mobile devices inside stores to check prices, read
Why Google Plus is now an essential business marketing tool.
I wish I could put a siren on this post. This is probably one of the biggest shake ups in search engine optimization ever. Google has changed the top results to incorporate social networking results, and it favors Google+ HEAVILY!!!
Happy Holidays from MyHomesMedia!
How to create a great real estate video tour
Some simple rules to escape the point and shoot picture tour grind. I created this tutorial for You can check out the original here. Here are some simple tips and tricks to create a great video tour of a